Friday, July 3, 2009

Salmon Swamon....

Funny enough, growing up, my parents could NEVER get me to eat any form of fish.  They say I would sit at the table and chew and chew and chew, but hardly ever swallow the stuff.  How times have changed!!!! Now, I love the stuff and can't get my husband to eat.  They say payback's a #$%&*%!!! So I thought I would share this version that my good friend Nicole cooks up at her house every now and then!!!
This might just be the easiest recipe, and the most delish for that of salmon...

Nic's Sensational Salmon
1 flat of boneless, skinless salmon
1/2 cup pancake syrup
1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
1/2 tsp. salt
1 tbsp. minced garlic

Cut salmon into 4 serving portions.  Place all portions in a ziploc bag, adding all the remaining ingredients and mush around!  Marinate for as long as time permits. (I have gotten into the habit of doing individual portions in smaller ziplocs and dividing up the sauce between the bags - and then freezing).  Grill in frying pan or on bbq grill for approx. 5 mins per side, or less (depending on how cooked you like your fish ~ will continue cooking once you take it off the grill and tent it).
This is a quick and yummy meal paired with a salad!

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